
The WEEGMANN DE GELAS website is managed by WEEGMANN DE GELAS BVBA, with registered office at Torhoutsesteenweg 411, 8210 Zedelgem, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0668.987.620.

On the website you can find general information on the law firm, the lawyers and the services offered by the law firm.  All data and information provided on the website belong to WEEGMANN DE GELAS BVBA and must under no circumstances be used, reproduced or distributed by third parties.

WEEGMANN DE GELAS BVBA cannot be held liable for any damage that results from the use of the information provided on the website nor for any information that is provided on external sites linked to this website.   WEEGMANN DE GELAS BVBA can furthermore not be held liable for any viruses that may appear on the website.

Any disputes resulting from the use of the website shall exclusively be settled by the courts in Bruges.  Belgian law applies.